Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Education, Students and Parents

The last Tuesday, Mr Litman gave us an interesting paper about public students' demostrations for a good and equal education.
In the paper, appeared a good example of one of the most traditional public schools of Chile "Instituto Nacional" where the students began to do some strikes and riots to be heard by the authorities, their idea is to obtain a real change in the general education law (L.G.E) to increase the level of our actual educational system, that is the reason why they are deciding to organize a huge demostration throughout the country as two years ago.
For me, our actual education is a very important matter, because that is the only one way to abtain a better ecucation and more qualified professionals for Chile.
In the second part of the lesson, we went to the laboratory where we could visit the website of "la tercera" newspaper. In this website, we were focused in an interesting article about "new strategies of parents" to know about children's behaviour, and their performance at the school.
In my opinion, the permanent attention of parents in their children's life is very important to orient them in a good way, but I think that the use of strategies of websites is not the best option, because the most important for parents and children is just communication.
If we have a close and empathic relation with our children, we will be able to understand their reality directly, without using an external guide.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Troubled Adolescent at school

Today, our classmates, Paula, Ma Teresa and Marlene, made an interesting presentation about "troubled adolescent at school".
I think that this is a very important matter to know for a future teacher as me, because understanding the process of changes in the brain and body of teenagers I would be able to understand their behaviour in a good and empathetic way.
Through girl's presentation I could understand why some teenagers tend to present some problems in their behaviour, where, their life experiences (influence of family), growing process (poverty) and context (socio-cultural) are the most important factors.
Some times, the influence of the environment represents a huge risk in the life of teenagers, incentivating the abuse of alcohol, drugs and other negative elements for their healt. In the beginning, these things can be fun and interesting for a young person but in some moment their results can be really detrimental, causing suicides and violence.
Finally, girl's presentation finished with an interesting activity, where we had to think in a good solution for two cases of "troubled adolescent at school". For me, this activity was the most interesting and fun stage of their presentation, because through these examples, I could think like a real teacher who faces the students' problems.