Friday, July 11, 2008

Debate about L.O.C.E

The last class, our classmates, Rodrigo, Nicole, Dreny and Eduardo, made the first debate about L.O.C.E (ley orgánica constitucional de educación).
As an introduction, Nicole and Dreny explained some aspects and bases of this educational law. In my opinion, they were very clear in their explanations trying to do special emphasis on the most important aspects of this law.
After that, Rodrigo and Eduardo started the debate; where they gave us different ideas about the advantages and disadvantages of this law. The idea was to organize the class in two different groups where each one of them had to be agree or disagree with this law at the moment of debating.
I think, that this debate was very useful for us, because through its dinamic was possible to express our ideas, knowledge and opinions about our actual education, espontaneously.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Objectives and Debate

The last class, Mr. Litman made us discuss about the objectives of his subject.
To know and understand the main objectives of Mr. Litman's subject is necessary to have a clear vision about the use of English language and its importance.
Mr. Litman, specifically wants to help us to increase our level and use of English through, micro-lessons, vocabulary and developing our analytical and cognitive skills to express our personal opinions and feelings, this last point is the most important, because, expressing aloud our feeling and opinions we are training our abilities of communication in a better way.

About Debate
In the second part of the lesson, we started to disscuss about the importance of debate in teaching.
For me, debate is a very good tool to practice English using the cognitive skills at the same time, because through this kind of activities, we can be able to develop our critical skills, knowing more global information and knowledge.
A debate is also an incredible oportunity to defend our presonal ideals using our own information and opinion which are always important.
Finally, is important to say that an active participation in a debate can be a very useful experience for people in different aspects like: self esteem and comradeship.
Doubtlessly, debates are an excellent way to teach.

About Blogs

Two lessons ago, we went to the English laboratory, where we were updating and cheking our blogs, its content and grammar.
I think, that Mr. Litman's idea about working on the blog in the lesson was incredible, because we could discuss some topics, add extra information and check the grammar mistakes in a better way with our mutual collaboration.