Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Public Schools in Britain

The second lesson of this second semester, started with the presentation of our classmates Evelyn, Ma.Teresa and Rodrigo who explained some aspects about the public schools in Britain.
At the beginning, I was a little bit confused, because the concept of “public schools in Britain” is completely different at the concept that I known previously.
In Britain, a public school is not like a state school, is like what we know in Chile as a private school.
Some characteristics of public schools are:

- They have an excellent academic level.

- You just can be admitted if your grades are excellent.

- If you want to study in a public school in Britain, your economic situation must be according with the high costs.

After this presentation, we had to debate about this topic, considering if this kind of schools are good or bad for our society. On my personal opinion, I think that the education in public schools in Britain is a very good example of discipline and academic results, but it is not fair for the students that have not a good economic situation.
For me, a good education is a right for every one student or person who wants to learn.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Learning to Learn

After the discussion about Ma. Musica and the education minister, Mr. Litman gave us a new and interesting topic to discuss and understand which was "Learning to Learn". This is an American and succeeded program to study in a good way.
This program, provide to the students with different skills like:

- Critical thinking skills.
- Reading, writing, math and science skills, etc.

The main idea of this program is to increase the effectiveness of student's natural abilities to solve problems, increase their academical performance and comprehension.
On my personal opinion, I think that this kind of programs are really useful for everyone student who wants to increase and improve his or her academical results in a significative way where the right use and development of their skills must be the main tool.

Violence againts the Education Minister

Starting this second semester, our national education was surprised with an incredible reaction of a student named Maria Musica who decided to show her annoyance against the education minister, Mónica Jimenez, when she was participating in a dialogue with students and teachers about the new L.G.E.
On my opinion, I think that this kind of attitudes in our students is a very important matter to face by teachers, parents and society in general, being teachers and the educational system catalogued as the main guilty of this kind of behavior; for me, this is completely unfair, because the concept of education is something that must be made by everyone person in this society, where the participation of family must be the most important influence for the formation of the students.
Then, through this reflection, I have to say that the importance of a common participation of our society in the process of education is vital at the moment of learn and teach values.