Monday, September 15, 2008

Teachers victims of bullying

The second topic that Mr. Litman gave us to post in our blogs was "Teachers victims of bullying", about this matter, I have to say that this is a huge problem which day to day is more present inside the classrooms where respect and values of the students have been disappearing.
On my personal opinion this is not a problem of the educational system only, this is a problem of the whole society where day to day teachers are experimenting more and more injustices.
I don't know why teachers must be always worried about their physical and psychological security inside the classroom, where some students feels that they can attack them in different ways without any punishment, this is something that we as a culture and society must change because the physical and emotional teachers' stability are the base to give a good education.

Curfew for teenagers. An idea that works?

The last class, Mr. Litman showed to us two different titles from the newspaper to post in our blogs , the first one was "Curfew for teenagers, an idea that works?".
About this topic, personally, I think that Curfew for teenagers is something that could work in some cases but it can be avoided with a good communication and confidence between parents and children.

Pre-Universitary courses in Chile

Last week my friend Claudio, Marlenne and Paula made their presentation about Pre-Universitary courses in Chile. They started explaining that pre-Universitary are institutions focused to prepare students to face the PSU (prueba de selección universitaria) in a good way; in their presentation, they also gave us some extra information about different courses and prices that a student can find in a huge diversity of this kind of institutions like: CEPECH, PEDRO DE VALDIVIA and FECH.
After this information, they started with the debate where the class was divided into two groups as have been usual; one of them was for pre-universitary courses and the other one was against.
Personally, I think that this presentation was really well prepared, being short and specific at the same time, but for me was a little bit boring, because the topic was not something interesting for me, and also was difficult for me to had to be for this kind of institutions at the moment of debating, because I have the idea that high schools must be the only one education before university. Anyway good presentation but boring for me.

Differences between schools

After the last presentation, Mr. Litman gave us an interesting topic to discuss, it was about "differences between schools". I think that this is a very important matter to understand and analyze for future teachers as us, because our objective must be try to balance the results of private and public schools.
To understand more about this topic, most of us gave our opinions and previous experiences of high school, this was very constructive and useful form me, because I could know more about the differences between schools.
On my personal opinion, differences between schools is something that represents in a bad way our educational system and national reality where poor people have just access to a public education without the resources that private institutions can give to their students, this is not a problem of teachers this is a problem of the system which is completely unfair.
As a conclusion, I just have to say that this have been a very interesting topic that makes me feel angry, for the actual moment of education, but happy at the same time, because I believe that this situation is going to be changed for the future generations of teachers.

Can anyone be a teacher?

Two weeks ago, our classmates Felipe, Fernanda and Diego made their presentation and debate using the next question: Can anyone be a teacher? as the main topic to explain and debate.
They started giving a lot of information about two different countries where the good job and qualification of teachers is reflected through excellent students' scores, these countries are Finland and South Korea.
After this huge information, they started with the most interesting part of the presentation for me; it was about the Chilean program to support teaching, named "Red Maestros de Maestros", created to fortify the teaching practice and performance.
Finally they started with the debate using the same question that I mentioned before.
I think that this presentation was very clear but a little bit long, as our presentation, I think that they made the same mistake at the moment of choosing the information which was too much, I also think that this presentation would have been better with more information about our own reality in Chile and less information about Finland and North Korea.
Personally, the most interesting stages for me were the explanation of "Red Maestros de Maestros" and the debate where the whole class was clearly interested at the moment of comment and give opinions and personal experiences.
As a conclusion, good presentation but with a lot of extra and non interesting information for me.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter

According to Keirsey's test, I am a "Guardian". Guardians believe in law and order being always serious about their duties and responsibilities.
Guardians, are also practical, down on the earth, meticulous and cautious to make changes or take new decisions, but for me, their attitude to cooperate with others is the most important value.
I have to say that I was really surprised with my result because it reflects my personality in an excellent way, considering that I am a person who believes that think before acting is something essential to be success and clear in the life. Another important characteristic of the result that agrees with my personality is the attitude to cooperate with others that Guardians represents; I have to say that I am a person who is always trying to work for a common objective considering selfishness as the worst enemy for a teamwork.
As a conclusion this test made me feel satisfied with my own life philosophy, because through it, was possible to me understand and identify a lot of values and good things of my self.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Cuban Education

The last class, finally my group and I had to make our presentation, we decided to speak about Cuban education considering its excellent level and qualification as a good matter to contrast with our educational reality.
At the beginning, I have to say that I was a little bit nervous, I do not know what happened with me, I just know that it was the reason why I could not have a better mark maybe, anyway, we started explaining some aspects of this educational system where the main idea is to give a good education for everyone person who want to study, also is important to say that Cuba is the best Southamerican country in education being even at the same level of more developed countries.
After, the presentation of this topic, we started with the debate where the question was: Is it possible to apply this kind of educational system in our country, considering differences between both Cuban and Chilean society?. Considering that maybe this question could be more specific, I think that the debate was really interesting, because our classmates had to analyze our educational reality specifying its advantages and disadvantages in relation with the Cuban education.
Personally and being honest, I think that Cuba, represents the best example of fairness and quality through its education, unfortunately, this kind of educational system is not possible to adopt for a country as Chile where quality must be always payed.