Friday, October 17, 2008

Estatuto docente: Una tragedia peor que el transantiago

The second topic that Mr.Litman recommended to us to investigate, was "Estatuto docente: Una tragedia peor que el transantiago", this is a meticulous revision of our education made by a professor of the Universidad de Chile, named Mario Waissbluth. This professor says that our educational system is experimenting a gradual deterioration where anyone person can be a teacher taking simple courses of pedagogy through internet, obviously, this way to obtain a proffesional title of teacher is not the best at the moment of speak of professional competences, I mean, that maybe, they can have the title of teacher, but their skills and general knowledge is something very uncertain.
Maybe that is the reason why most of these teachers do not want to be evaluated, without consider that they are harming our national education, or specifically our public education where day to day, the differences with the private education is clearer and unfair for the students.
On my personal opinion, the ideas of Mr.Waissbluth are something to consider, because education must be one of the most important matters in our country, where its equality and quality should be a right for everyone student who wants to learn.

If you want to know more about the ideas of Mr. Waissbluth, you can look at the complete article in the next link:

Education 2020

The last class, Mr Litman recommended to us two new topics to investigate and post. The first one was "education 2020".
Education 2020 is a project to improve the education through the use of new technologies basically, but in Chile, education 2020, also wants to improve the academic level of everyone school and teacher through evaluations, technologies and new plans.
For me, education 2020 presents some positive and negative ideas; for example: the use of technologies and plans represents a huge consume of new resources for the government, but it is something really necessary to do. In the case of the negative ideas that Education 2020 represents for me, I have to say that evaluation for teacher is not good, I think that everyone teacher is academically well prepared to face his or her job in a good way, the problems are the conditions to work only; for example: classes with a huge number of students, and limited access to good resources to teach.

This is the official website of Education 2020 in Chile, click here and know more about it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fernanda's presentation "Gender Bias"

Today, Fernanda had also to present her topic, it was "Gender Bias" a very interesting matter for me.
Through this presentation, Fernanda gave some information and examples about what happens when "Gender Bias" is present in education.
For me, "Gender Bias" is something that must not be inside a classroom, because everyone student have the same rights than his or her classmates, that is the reason why teachers have to create a respect environment inside the classroom.

Daniela's presentation "il's in education : smartboards"

Today, Daniela made a very good and interesting presentation about the use of technologies at the school. She spoke specifically about smartboards which are incredible new boards that are able to being used as a big computer in front of the class. She explained, specifically its advantages to teach and how we can make new and interactive lessons with its use.
Personally, I think that the use of new technologies is something that must be present for every one teacher and school, because through its use is possible to improve the process of teaching and learning.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Eduardo's presentation "suicide & depression in teenagers"

After Diego's presentation, my good friend Eduardo started with his own presentation, He decided to talk about "suicide & depression in teenagers", explaining some aspects in teenagers which can be the reasons to commit suicide or experiment depression.
Eduardo, through his presentation made me feel worried about suicide & depression in teenagers, because it is something really common today, that is the reason why teenagers needs a permanent attention of the people who lives around them.
Also, Eduardo gave us a lot of useful information to identify when a teenager is manifesting some grade of depression or frustration, these two issues are vital to prevent some attempt of suicide.
As a conclusion I have to say that it was a very interesting and useful presentation, where the information was something that can be used for me and everyone of my classmates, some day as parents and teachers.

Diego's presentation "drugs & alcohol"

The last class my friend Diego started with a new season of individual presentations, where each one of us is allowed to choice a new topic. Diego decided to speak about the consequences of drugs and alcohol consume, he gave us a lot of vital information about it, explaining at the same time why these kind of elements are bad for our health and life.
I think that this kind of information can be very useful for a future teacher and father like me, because if I would want to teach to valorize the importance of a healthy life style to my children or students I will need to know about it to support my ideals and thoughts.
As a conclusion I have to say that it was an excellent presentation where Diego chose very good and concrete information, adding at the end of his presentation a short but impressive video about drugs & alcohol consequences.

Curfew for teenagers II

Finally, our classmates Claudia, Clara and Marlene showed to us the last presentation & debate of this season.
They decided to talk about "Curfew for teenagers", showing some positive and negative aspects about this way to teach responsibility and respect at home.
Honestly, I did not learn anything new about this topic, because some weeks ago I looked for some information in Internet. Anyway the presentation was clear but too short for me, I think that they had given some extra and new information to create a better environment at the moment of their presentation.
On my personal opinion, their main mistake was to chose the same topic that Mr. Litman recommended to investigate some weeks ago, I think that the best option is to chose a new topic to catch the complete attention of the classmates, but it is just my point of view.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Project Zero

Two weeks ago, Daniela, Nadia and Katherinne presented about "Project Zero". I could not be present that day, but that is not a good reason to do not investigate and post about this interesting topic .
"Project Zero" was founded in 1967 to study and improve education in and through the arts. This project says that arts should be studied as a serious cognitive activity to motivate the new communities of reflective independent learners to improve their critical and creative skills.
I think that this is a very important matter to investigate and know for a future teacher like me, because this project can be a very useful tool to motivate the students to learn more in a good way, considering, that arts are the most powerful alternative to catch the complete attention of the students.
As a conclusion is possible to say that it was a very good and interesting topic to present, "congratulations girls".