Friday, November 28, 2008

My final conclusion

Considering that this is my last post, I wanted to show a very special picture where appears my best friends and I outside a rock concert, this photo represents the two most important things in my life "friendship" and "passion" things that are going to be very important for my future life ,where I should teach and reflect these values to my students as a good teacher.
Now, according to the blog I have to say that it was something very useful and interesting for me, because through the creation of all my posts I was exposed to improve my communicative and thinking skills.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Felipe's presentation "Cartoons, TV and video games"

The last presentation was carried out by my classmate and good friend Felipe, he chose a very interesting and original topic named "Cartoons, TV and video games"; mainly, he tried to explain how through cartoons, TV and video games is possible to teach English to young learners.
Felipe, also gave some examples like Pokemon that means "pocket monsters", through this Japanese cartoons, is possible to recognize some hidden words in the name of the characters like "Ekans" = Snake, or "Arboc" = Cobra. The other way to understand and learn new words in English is through video games, according to what Felipe said, people is more exposed to use English through video games because usually, video games are played in its original language (English).
I think that a future teacher of English as me, needs to know all these interesting issues for children and teenagers, the idea is to give a stimulating and interesting teaching process where everyone can feel motivated by English language.

Claudio's presentation "Role playing games in education"

The third presentation of our last lesson was made by my old friend Claudio.
Claudio spoke about "Role playing games in education", I know that he is a lover of this kind of games that is the reason why I could understand his original topic, anyway, trough this presentation, Claudio explained some different aspects about role games, and how it can be used in order to motivate the students to use their imagination and some academical skills at the same time.
Personally, I do not like this kind of games, but indirectly Claudio gave me an incredible advice "teach playing and you will be giving a significative teaching".

Evelin's presentation "Teacher Burnout"

The second presentation of this season was carried out by Evelin. She chose "Teacher Burnout" as her topic to present.
Through her presentation, was possible to understand that "Teacher Burnout" is a state of emotional and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress, bad conditions to work and conflicts with colleagues, administration and parents.
Evelin, also explained some symptoms of "Teachers Burnout" and its treatments.
On my personal opinion, this kind of information can be very useful for a teacher who wants to keep his or her health. The idea is to prevent "Teacher Burnout" early.

My own presentation: "Communication: the base for a good relation between parents and children"

Finally, the last class was my opportunity to present a new topic. I decided to talk about Communication as the base for a good relation between parents and children. I chose this topic thinking on the first process of education at home, where parents are the main influence to guide their children for a good way.
In my presentation, I also explained to my classmates some advantages and ideas to keep a good relation with children; for example: saying "I love you" or "you are the most important priority in my life" to your children, you can improve your relation and confidence with they.
This presentation was made using some information from Internet and my personal opinion about it. I think that the personal opinion is something very important to consider, because the idea is not just to repeat something from Internet, the main idea is to think and explain the personal ideas and feelings.
As a conclusion, I think that my presentation was clear, precise and interactive at the same time, considering that I presented a video avoiding the excess of reading.

Rodrigo's presentation "Course Books"

Two weeks ago, Rodrigo presented his personal topic, it was about "Course books". That day, I could not be present, but that is not a good reason to ignore this matter.
According to what I knew, Rodrigo tried to explain the advantages and disadvantages of "Course books" for teachers at the moment of teaching.
For me, the advantages and disadvantages are very clear. In the case of advantages, I have to say that text books can be very useful to use new ideas and strategies to teach and evaluate but at the same time text books can affects the teachers' performance when they support the whole lesson just in a book, a good teacher must complement the use of texts with his or her own experience and knowledge.
Interesting topic, good job Rorro.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Kathy's presentation "Femicide is not fashionable"

The second presentation of this season was made by katherine, she decided to talk about "Femicide" a very serious topic that day to day is more present in our social context where a lot woman are killed by their stupid couples. Katherine, did not just talk about femicide, she explained how this actual society is accepting this kind of behaviour as some common and normal, her example was about a jeans brand that promote its products through images where girls were hurt by bad boys.
Personally, femicide is something that makes me feel angry, I do not why some men hurts their couples up to kill them, it is something that must stop, because our society needs peace and good coexistence inside the familiar nucleus; what would happen if our children grows in a violent environment, where commit aggressions against couples is something common? are we going to have a good future as a society?, these are questions that everyone of us must try to answer.
In general, good presentation and good topic.

Nicole's presentation "stress at the end of the year"

Today, Nicole presented about "stress at the end of the year". Through her presentation, was possible to understand how a student have to face this hard period, where exams and excess of job are the worst enemies for a tired person.
Obviously, stress is something really hard to face when we are exhausted, but Nicole gave us some interesting ideas to face it; for example: do not taking the problems of the school to home, and try to adopt a positive attitude to avoid mental fatigue.
Considering that we are facing a really hard end of year, where the excessive obligations are destroying our bodies and mind, I can say that Nicole's presentation was really useful to reload our energies to finish this year in a good way.
As a short conclusion is possible to say: good and precise presentation, good job Nicole!!!