Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My own presentation: "Communication: the base for a good relation between parents and children"

Finally, the last class was my opportunity to present a new topic. I decided to talk about Communication as the base for a good relation between parents and children. I chose this topic thinking on the first process of education at home, where parents are the main influence to guide their children for a good way.
In my presentation, I also explained to my classmates some advantages and ideas to keep a good relation with children; for example: saying "I love you" or "you are the most important priority in my life" to your children, you can improve your relation and confidence with they.
This presentation was made using some information from Internet and my personal opinion about it. I think that the personal opinion is something very important to consider, because the idea is not just to repeat something from Internet, the main idea is to think and explain the personal ideas and feelings.
As a conclusion, I think that my presentation was clear, precise and interactive at the same time, considering that I presented a video avoiding the excess of reading.

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