Friday, November 28, 2008

My final conclusion

Considering that this is my last post, I wanted to show a very special picture where appears my best friends and I outside a rock concert, this photo represents the two most important things in my life "friendship" and "passion" things that are going to be very important for my future life ,where I should teach and reflect these values to my students as a good teacher.
Now, according to the blog I have to say that it was something very useful and interesting for me, because through the creation of all my posts I was exposed to improve my communicative and thinking skills.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Felipe's presentation "Cartoons, TV and video games"

The last presentation was carried out by my classmate and good friend Felipe, he chose a very interesting and original topic named "Cartoons, TV and video games"; mainly, he tried to explain how through cartoons, TV and video games is possible to teach English to young learners.
Felipe, also gave some examples like Pokemon that means "pocket monsters", through this Japanese cartoons, is possible to recognize some hidden words in the name of the characters like "Ekans" = Snake, or "Arboc" = Cobra. The other way to understand and learn new words in English is through video games, according to what Felipe said, people is more exposed to use English through video games because usually, video games are played in its original language (English).
I think that a future teacher of English as me, needs to know all these interesting issues for children and teenagers, the idea is to give a stimulating and interesting teaching process where everyone can feel motivated by English language.

Claudio's presentation "Role playing games in education"

The third presentation of our last lesson was made by my old friend Claudio.
Claudio spoke about "Role playing games in education", I know that he is a lover of this kind of games that is the reason why I could understand his original topic, anyway, trough this presentation, Claudio explained some different aspects about role games, and how it can be used in order to motivate the students to use their imagination and some academical skills at the same time.
Personally, I do not like this kind of games, but indirectly Claudio gave me an incredible advice "teach playing and you will be giving a significative teaching".

Evelin's presentation "Teacher Burnout"

The second presentation of this season was carried out by Evelin. She chose "Teacher Burnout" as her topic to present.
Through her presentation, was possible to understand that "Teacher Burnout" is a state of emotional and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress, bad conditions to work and conflicts with colleagues, administration and parents.
Evelin, also explained some symptoms of "Teachers Burnout" and its treatments.
On my personal opinion, this kind of information can be very useful for a teacher who wants to keep his or her health. The idea is to prevent "Teacher Burnout" early.

My own presentation: "Communication: the base for a good relation between parents and children"

Finally, the last class was my opportunity to present a new topic. I decided to talk about Communication as the base for a good relation between parents and children. I chose this topic thinking on the first process of education at home, where parents are the main influence to guide their children for a good way.
In my presentation, I also explained to my classmates some advantages and ideas to keep a good relation with children; for example: saying "I love you" or "you are the most important priority in my life" to your children, you can improve your relation and confidence with they.
This presentation was made using some information from Internet and my personal opinion about it. I think that the personal opinion is something very important to consider, because the idea is not just to repeat something from Internet, the main idea is to think and explain the personal ideas and feelings.
As a conclusion, I think that my presentation was clear, precise and interactive at the same time, considering that I presented a video avoiding the excess of reading.

Rodrigo's presentation "Course Books"

Two weeks ago, Rodrigo presented his personal topic, it was about "Course books". That day, I could not be present, but that is not a good reason to ignore this matter.
According to what I knew, Rodrigo tried to explain the advantages and disadvantages of "Course books" for teachers at the moment of teaching.
For me, the advantages and disadvantages are very clear. In the case of advantages, I have to say that text books can be very useful to use new ideas and strategies to teach and evaluate but at the same time text books can affects the teachers' performance when they support the whole lesson just in a book, a good teacher must complement the use of texts with his or her own experience and knowledge.
Interesting topic, good job Rorro.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Kathy's presentation "Femicide is not fashionable"

The second presentation of this season was made by katherine, she decided to talk about "Femicide" a very serious topic that day to day is more present in our social context where a lot woman are killed by their stupid couples. Katherine, did not just talk about femicide, she explained how this actual society is accepting this kind of behaviour as some common and normal, her example was about a jeans brand that promote its products through images where girls were hurt by bad boys.
Personally, femicide is something that makes me feel angry, I do not why some men hurts their couples up to kill them, it is something that must stop, because our society needs peace and good coexistence inside the familiar nucleus; what would happen if our children grows in a violent environment, where commit aggressions against couples is something common? are we going to have a good future as a society?, these are questions that everyone of us must try to answer.
In general, good presentation and good topic.

Nicole's presentation "stress at the end of the year"

Today, Nicole presented about "stress at the end of the year". Through her presentation, was possible to understand how a student have to face this hard period, where exams and excess of job are the worst enemies for a tired person.
Obviously, stress is something really hard to face when we are exhausted, but Nicole gave us some interesting ideas to face it; for example: do not taking the problems of the school to home, and try to adopt a positive attitude to avoid mental fatigue.
Considering that we are facing a really hard end of year, where the excessive obligations are destroying our bodies and mind, I can say that Nicole's presentation was really useful to reload our energies to finish this year in a good way.
As a short conclusion is possible to say: good and precise presentation, good job Nicole!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Estatuto docente: Una tragedia peor que el transantiago

The second topic that Mr.Litman recommended to us to investigate, was "Estatuto docente: Una tragedia peor que el transantiago", this is a meticulous revision of our education made by a professor of the Universidad de Chile, named Mario Waissbluth. This professor says that our educational system is experimenting a gradual deterioration where anyone person can be a teacher taking simple courses of pedagogy through internet, obviously, this way to obtain a proffesional title of teacher is not the best at the moment of speak of professional competences, I mean, that maybe, they can have the title of teacher, but their skills and general knowledge is something very uncertain.
Maybe that is the reason why most of these teachers do not want to be evaluated, without consider that they are harming our national education, or specifically our public education where day to day, the differences with the private education is clearer and unfair for the students.
On my personal opinion, the ideas of Mr.Waissbluth are something to consider, because education must be one of the most important matters in our country, where its equality and quality should be a right for everyone student who wants to learn.

If you want to know more about the ideas of Mr. Waissbluth, you can look at the complete article in the next link:

Education 2020

The last class, Mr Litman recommended to us two new topics to investigate and post. The first one was "education 2020".
Education 2020 is a project to improve the education through the use of new technologies basically, but in Chile, education 2020, also wants to improve the academic level of everyone school and teacher through evaluations, technologies and new plans.
For me, education 2020 presents some positive and negative ideas; for example: the use of technologies and plans represents a huge consume of new resources for the government, but it is something really necessary to do. In the case of the negative ideas that Education 2020 represents for me, I have to say that evaluation for teacher is not good, I think that everyone teacher is academically well prepared to face his or her job in a good way, the problems are the conditions to work only; for example: classes with a huge number of students, and limited access to good resources to teach.

This is the official website of Education 2020 in Chile, click here and know more about it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fernanda's presentation "Gender Bias"

Today, Fernanda had also to present her topic, it was "Gender Bias" a very interesting matter for me.
Through this presentation, Fernanda gave some information and examples about what happens when "Gender Bias" is present in education.
For me, "Gender Bias" is something that must not be inside a classroom, because everyone student have the same rights than his or her classmates, that is the reason why teachers have to create a respect environment inside the classroom.

Daniela's presentation "il's in education : smartboards"

Today, Daniela made a very good and interesting presentation about the use of technologies at the school. She spoke specifically about smartboards which are incredible new boards that are able to being used as a big computer in front of the class. She explained, specifically its advantages to teach and how we can make new and interactive lessons with its use.
Personally, I think that the use of new technologies is something that must be present for every one teacher and school, because through its use is possible to improve the process of teaching and learning.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Eduardo's presentation "suicide & depression in teenagers"

After Diego's presentation, my good friend Eduardo started with his own presentation, He decided to talk about "suicide & depression in teenagers", explaining some aspects in teenagers which can be the reasons to commit suicide or experiment depression.
Eduardo, through his presentation made me feel worried about suicide & depression in teenagers, because it is something really common today, that is the reason why teenagers needs a permanent attention of the people who lives around them.
Also, Eduardo gave us a lot of useful information to identify when a teenager is manifesting some grade of depression or frustration, these two issues are vital to prevent some attempt of suicide.
As a conclusion I have to say that it was a very interesting and useful presentation, where the information was something that can be used for me and everyone of my classmates, some day as parents and teachers.

Diego's presentation "drugs & alcohol"

The last class my friend Diego started with a new season of individual presentations, where each one of us is allowed to choice a new topic. Diego decided to speak about the consequences of drugs and alcohol consume, he gave us a lot of vital information about it, explaining at the same time why these kind of elements are bad for our health and life.
I think that this kind of information can be very useful for a future teacher and father like me, because if I would want to teach to valorize the importance of a healthy life style to my children or students I will need to know about it to support my ideals and thoughts.
As a conclusion I have to say that it was an excellent presentation where Diego chose very good and concrete information, adding at the end of his presentation a short but impressive video about drugs & alcohol consequences.

Curfew for teenagers II

Finally, our classmates Claudia, Clara and Marlene showed to us the last presentation & debate of this season.
They decided to talk about "Curfew for teenagers", showing some positive and negative aspects about this way to teach responsibility and respect at home.
Honestly, I did not learn anything new about this topic, because some weeks ago I looked for some information in Internet. Anyway the presentation was clear but too short for me, I think that they had given some extra and new information to create a better environment at the moment of their presentation.
On my personal opinion, their main mistake was to chose the same topic that Mr. Litman recommended to investigate some weeks ago, I think that the best option is to chose a new topic to catch the complete attention of the classmates, but it is just my point of view.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Project Zero

Two weeks ago, Daniela, Nadia and Katherinne presented about "Project Zero". I could not be present that day, but that is not a good reason to do not investigate and post about this interesting topic .
"Project Zero" was founded in 1967 to study and improve education in and through the arts. This project says that arts should be studied as a serious cognitive activity to motivate the new communities of reflective independent learners to improve their critical and creative skills.
I think that this is a very important matter to investigate and know for a future teacher like me, because this project can be a very useful tool to motivate the students to learn more in a good way, considering, that arts are the most powerful alternative to catch the complete attention of the students.
As a conclusion is possible to say that it was a very good and interesting topic to present, "congratulations girls".

Monday, September 15, 2008

Teachers victims of bullying

The second topic that Mr. Litman gave us to post in our blogs was "Teachers victims of bullying", about this matter, I have to say that this is a huge problem which day to day is more present inside the classrooms where respect and values of the students have been disappearing.
On my personal opinion this is not a problem of the educational system only, this is a problem of the whole society where day to day teachers are experimenting more and more injustices.
I don't know why teachers must be always worried about their physical and psychological security inside the classroom, where some students feels that they can attack them in different ways without any punishment, this is something that we as a culture and society must change because the physical and emotional teachers' stability are the base to give a good education.

Curfew for teenagers. An idea that works?

The last class, Mr. Litman showed to us two different titles from the newspaper to post in our blogs , the first one was "Curfew for teenagers, an idea that works?".
About this topic, personally, I think that Curfew for teenagers is something that could work in some cases but it can be avoided with a good communication and confidence between parents and children.

Pre-Universitary courses in Chile

Last week my friend Claudio, Marlenne and Paula made their presentation about Pre-Universitary courses in Chile. They started explaining that pre-Universitary are institutions focused to prepare students to face the PSU (prueba de selección universitaria) in a good way; in their presentation, they also gave us some extra information about different courses and prices that a student can find in a huge diversity of this kind of institutions like: CEPECH, PEDRO DE VALDIVIA and FECH.
After this information, they started with the debate where the class was divided into two groups as have been usual; one of them was for pre-universitary courses and the other one was against.
Personally, I think that this presentation was really well prepared, being short and specific at the same time, but for me was a little bit boring, because the topic was not something interesting for me, and also was difficult for me to had to be for this kind of institutions at the moment of debating, because I have the idea that high schools must be the only one education before university. Anyway good presentation but boring for me.

Differences between schools

After the last presentation, Mr. Litman gave us an interesting topic to discuss, it was about "differences between schools". I think that this is a very important matter to understand and analyze for future teachers as us, because our objective must be try to balance the results of private and public schools.
To understand more about this topic, most of us gave our opinions and previous experiences of high school, this was very constructive and useful form me, because I could know more about the differences between schools.
On my personal opinion, differences between schools is something that represents in a bad way our educational system and national reality where poor people have just access to a public education without the resources that private institutions can give to their students, this is not a problem of teachers this is a problem of the system which is completely unfair.
As a conclusion, I just have to say that this have been a very interesting topic that makes me feel angry, for the actual moment of education, but happy at the same time, because I believe that this situation is going to be changed for the future generations of teachers.

Can anyone be a teacher?

Two weeks ago, our classmates Felipe, Fernanda and Diego made their presentation and debate using the next question: Can anyone be a teacher? as the main topic to explain and debate.
They started giving a lot of information about two different countries where the good job and qualification of teachers is reflected through excellent students' scores, these countries are Finland and South Korea.
After this huge information, they started with the most interesting part of the presentation for me; it was about the Chilean program to support teaching, named "Red Maestros de Maestros", created to fortify the teaching practice and performance.
Finally they started with the debate using the same question that I mentioned before.
I think that this presentation was very clear but a little bit long, as our presentation, I think that they made the same mistake at the moment of choosing the information which was too much, I also think that this presentation would have been better with more information about our own reality in Chile and less information about Finland and North Korea.
Personally, the most interesting stages for me were the explanation of "Red Maestros de Maestros" and the debate where the whole class was clearly interested at the moment of comment and give opinions and personal experiences.
As a conclusion, good presentation but with a lot of extra and non interesting information for me.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter

According to Keirsey's test, I am a "Guardian". Guardians believe in law and order being always serious about their duties and responsibilities.
Guardians, are also practical, down on the earth, meticulous and cautious to make changes or take new decisions, but for me, their attitude to cooperate with others is the most important value.
I have to say that I was really surprised with my result because it reflects my personality in an excellent way, considering that I am a person who believes that think before acting is something essential to be success and clear in the life. Another important characteristic of the result that agrees with my personality is the attitude to cooperate with others that Guardians represents; I have to say that I am a person who is always trying to work for a common objective considering selfishness as the worst enemy for a teamwork.
As a conclusion this test made me feel satisfied with my own life philosophy, because through it, was possible to me understand and identify a lot of values and good things of my self.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Cuban Education

The last class, finally my group and I had to make our presentation, we decided to speak about Cuban education considering its excellent level and qualification as a good matter to contrast with our educational reality.
At the beginning, I have to say that I was a little bit nervous, I do not know what happened with me, I just know that it was the reason why I could not have a better mark maybe, anyway, we started explaining some aspects of this educational system where the main idea is to give a good education for everyone person who want to study, also is important to say that Cuba is the best Southamerican country in education being even at the same level of more developed countries.
After, the presentation of this topic, we started with the debate where the question was: Is it possible to apply this kind of educational system in our country, considering differences between both Cuban and Chilean society?. Considering that maybe this question could be more specific, I think that the debate was really interesting, because our classmates had to analyze our educational reality specifying its advantages and disadvantages in relation with the Cuban education.
Personally and being honest, I think that Cuba, represents the best example of fairness and quality through its education, unfortunately, this kind of educational system is not possible to adopt for a country as Chile where quality must be always payed.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Public Schools in Britain

The second lesson of this second semester, started with the presentation of our classmates Evelyn, Ma.Teresa and Rodrigo who explained some aspects about the public schools in Britain.
At the beginning, I was a little bit confused, because the concept of “public schools in Britain” is completely different at the concept that I known previously.
In Britain, a public school is not like a state school, is like what we know in Chile as a private school.
Some characteristics of public schools are:

- They have an excellent academic level.

- You just can be admitted if your grades are excellent.

- If you want to study in a public school in Britain, your economic situation must be according with the high costs.

After this presentation, we had to debate about this topic, considering if this kind of schools are good or bad for our society. On my personal opinion, I think that the education in public schools in Britain is a very good example of discipline and academic results, but it is not fair for the students that have not a good economic situation.
For me, a good education is a right for every one student or person who wants to learn.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Learning to Learn

After the discussion about Ma. Musica and the education minister, Mr. Litman gave us a new and interesting topic to discuss and understand which was "Learning to Learn". This is an American and succeeded program to study in a good way.
This program, provide to the students with different skills like:

- Critical thinking skills.
- Reading, writing, math and science skills, etc.

The main idea of this program is to increase the effectiveness of student's natural abilities to solve problems, increase their academical performance and comprehension.
On my personal opinion, I think that this kind of programs are really useful for everyone student who wants to increase and improve his or her academical results in a significative way where the right use and development of their skills must be the main tool.

Violence againts the Education Minister

Starting this second semester, our national education was surprised with an incredible reaction of a student named Maria Musica who decided to show her annoyance against the education minister, Mónica Jimenez, when she was participating in a dialogue with students and teachers about the new L.G.E.
On my opinion, I think that this kind of attitudes in our students is a very important matter to face by teachers, parents and society in general, being teachers and the educational system catalogued as the main guilty of this kind of behavior; for me, this is completely unfair, because the concept of education is something that must be made by everyone person in this society, where the participation of family must be the most important influence for the formation of the students.
Then, through this reflection, I have to say that the importance of a common participation of our society in the process of education is vital at the moment of learn and teach values.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Debate about L.O.C.E

The last class, our classmates, Rodrigo, Nicole, Dreny and Eduardo, made the first debate about L.O.C.E (ley orgánica constitucional de educación).
As an introduction, Nicole and Dreny explained some aspects and bases of this educational law. In my opinion, they were very clear in their explanations trying to do special emphasis on the most important aspects of this law.
After that, Rodrigo and Eduardo started the debate; where they gave us different ideas about the advantages and disadvantages of this law. The idea was to organize the class in two different groups where each one of them had to be agree or disagree with this law at the moment of debating.
I think, that this debate was very useful for us, because through its dinamic was possible to express our ideas, knowledge and opinions about our actual education, espontaneously.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Objectives and Debate

The last class, Mr. Litman made us discuss about the objectives of his subject.
To know and understand the main objectives of Mr. Litman's subject is necessary to have a clear vision about the use of English language and its importance.
Mr. Litman, specifically wants to help us to increase our level and use of English through, micro-lessons, vocabulary and developing our analytical and cognitive skills to express our personal opinions and feelings, this last point is the most important, because, expressing aloud our feeling and opinions we are training our abilities of communication in a better way.

About Debate
In the second part of the lesson, we started to disscuss about the importance of debate in teaching.
For me, debate is a very good tool to practice English using the cognitive skills at the same time, because through this kind of activities, we can be able to develop our critical skills, knowing more global information and knowledge.
A debate is also an incredible oportunity to defend our presonal ideals using our own information and opinion which are always important.
Finally, is important to say that an active participation in a debate can be a very useful experience for people in different aspects like: self esteem and comradeship.
Doubtlessly, debates are an excellent way to teach.

About Blogs

Two lessons ago, we went to the English laboratory, where we were updating and cheking our blogs, its content and grammar.
I think, that Mr. Litman's idea about working on the blog in the lesson was incredible, because we could discuss some topics, add extra information and check the grammar mistakes in a better way with our mutual collaboration.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Education, Students and Parents

The last Tuesday, Mr Litman gave us an interesting paper about public students' demostrations for a good and equal education.
In the paper, appeared a good example of one of the most traditional public schools of Chile "Instituto Nacional" where the students began to do some strikes and riots to be heard by the authorities, their idea is to obtain a real change in the general education law (L.G.E) to increase the level of our actual educational system, that is the reason why they are deciding to organize a huge demostration throughout the country as two years ago.
For me, our actual education is a very important matter, because that is the only one way to abtain a better ecucation and more qualified professionals for Chile.
In the second part of the lesson, we went to the laboratory where we could visit the website of "la tercera" newspaper. In this website, we were focused in an interesting article about "new strategies of parents" to know about children's behaviour, and their performance at the school.
In my opinion, the permanent attention of parents in their children's life is very important to orient them in a good way, but I think that the use of strategies of websites is not the best option, because the most important for parents and children is just communication.
If we have a close and empathic relation with our children, we will be able to understand their reality directly, without using an external guide.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Troubled Adolescent at school

Today, our classmates, Paula, Ma Teresa and Marlene, made an interesting presentation about "troubled adolescent at school".
I think that this is a very important matter to know for a future teacher as me, because understanding the process of changes in the brain and body of teenagers I would be able to understand their behaviour in a good and empathetic way.
Through girl's presentation I could understand why some teenagers tend to present some problems in their behaviour, where, their life experiences (influence of family), growing process (poverty) and context (socio-cultural) are the most important factors.
Some times, the influence of the environment represents a huge risk in the life of teenagers, incentivating the abuse of alcohol, drugs and other negative elements for their healt. In the beginning, these things can be fun and interesting for a young person but in some moment their results can be really detrimental, causing suicides and violence.
Finally, girl's presentation finished with an interesting activity, where we had to think in a good solution for two cases of "troubled adolescent at school". For me, this activity was the most interesting and fun stage of their presentation, because through these examples, I could think like a real teacher who faces the students' problems.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bullying II

Today, Katerinne and Nadia made a constructive presentation about bullying, where they gave some examples about victims and agressors, describing their psychological profile at the same time.
Bullying, can be manifested in different ways, the most common are "physical violence" used by boys and "psyhcological violence" by girls.
Bullying & mass media
Nowadays, mass medias are being used by teenagers to bully their victims through web cameras, photos and internet. I think that this is a problem that we have to face as future teachers, because our labour won't be just teach our subject, we will have to avoid aggressions between our students too.
As a conclusion, I have to say that this presentation, was very useful for me, because, through its contents and examples I could make my own ideas about how to act in a specific situation of bullying as a teacher.


This last Tuesday, we could enjoy of an interesting microlesson about "leadership", our classmates Rodrigo, Felipe and Fernanda made a clear explanation about how to be a good leader.
A good leader is always an innovative, original and dreamer person who thinks that feelings of people are the most important issue, this is really important to know, because we must understand that as future teachers of English we will have to act as a possitive leader for our students.
With this presentation, I could also understand that as a future teacher I don`t have to act as an administrator, because an administrator tends to be a conventional person who is not able to understand the importance of near relationships with the rest of people.
"A good teacher must be a friend and a confident".

classroom management II

On this lesson, our classmates, Daniela and Evelin had to speak about classroom management, as the previous presentation of this topic they showed some strategies to have a good performance as teachers. In general, the presentation was clear and interesting and its content can be considered as a complement of the previous one.
"A good teacher is not who knows a lot of his/her topic, a good teacher is who is able to teach in a good and significative way".

Friday, May 2, 2008


Finally, the last class, my group and I exposed about bullying. This was a very interesting investigation for me, because I could know more about this topic, for example, now I know that bullying is an attitude adopted by some people who tend to use violence to have what they want.

Bullying and Students

In the case of students, we gave some reasons about why some of them are violent with their classmates, the absence of parent and values were the most important aspects for this reality.
Obviously, bullying is a serious problem for our actual education, and its consequences can affect the personality of agressors and victims. In some moment the agressor can feel that no one person accepts him, because an agressor tend to present huge problems of socialization, in the case of the victim, they can feel that they are not important for the rest of people, they can experiment frustration and sadness.
When a child is an agressor or victim of bullying, at the school, the role of family and teachers is very important, because through their life`s lessons full of values and ideas of justice, is possible to avoid and eliminate the injustice and violence.
"School and family are the most important base of our actual society".

Our reality

After girls' presentation, Mr. Litman showed to us a short video about the reality of our planet named "LIFE". This video was really interesting for me, because it reflected how our world has been changed in a bad way for the human attitude.
In the beginning of this video was possible to watch a happy world without stress and negative human influeces, this example made me feel angry and sad, because that was a world that today don't exist, after that, the video showed the actual reality step by step, a world with a huge pollution, violence and rude people everywhere.
With Mr. Litman's video, I just want to know if our planet and society will be able to have some good future.

Teacher's personality

The last class, our classmates Dreny, Nicole and Katherine made an interesting presentation about teacher's personality, trough their explanations and examples was possible to understand how must a teacher interact with his or her students.
Is important to say that a good teacher have to understand that each one student is able to learn in different ways, that is the reason why as future teachers of English, we have to be prepared to face a lot of different realities in the classroom. When a student is not motivated and understood by his or her teacher, probably he or she is going to have some problems to learn and study.
Our classmates, also showed to us a short video about a student with a lot of problems to learn, in the beggining, the teacher was not able to understand that this student was surrounded of different problems, without consider this, the teacher thought that this boy was a complete lazy person, but when the teacher knew about his problems, their relation changed, the teacher began to act as an important support in his life, the student's marks increased and he was a succeded person in the future.
As a conclusion I can say that this presentation was excellent in its content and message. For me, as a future teacher is completely important to know the importance of an empathetic and significative attitude in the classroom.

Friday, April 25, 2008

classroom management

The last class, our classmates Rodrigo, Diego and Eduardo made an interesting presentation about classroom management. It was really showy for me as a future teacher because through a good classroom management is possible to reach a good performance with positive results too.
A good teacher needs to be original, and interactive in his lessons these are the reasons why is necessary to have a good voice tone, corporal language and spontaneity too.
For a good lesson, the most important is student’s attention and interest, but how can we do that? a good answer for this question says that to do a good lesson is necesary to incentivate all the students to participate, for this, is necessary to be fair and comprehensive with them.
This presentation, also gave me a lot of ideas about how to be fair and comprehensive with everyone in the classroom, for example: a correct use of the space is a good alternative to catch the student's attention equality, in rows is possible to orient the attention to the board, in circles and horsesshoes is possible to make a lesson more interactive, where everyone student is able to see each other, and finally in groups where students can work as a team developing at the same time very important values as comradeship and responsability.
"When a lesson is interesting and interactive for the students, the lesson can be success and constructive".

Friday, April 18, 2008

communication and blogs

The last class, we were talking about blogs and other different web spaces where is possible to share knowledge, information and personal experiences too.
As a future teacher of English I think that the use of these spaces can provide us a lot of important advantages, considering that actually the students are able to use the computer as the most important and interesting mass media in their lives, our relation with this technology must be closer day to day, for a good performance in the classroom.

Monday, April 7, 2008

A creative and interesting lesson.


I think, that as future teachers of English we have to know how to do a good and significative lesson, that is the reason why we must try to change our actual and sometimes bored ways to teach.
In my opinion, Micro-Lessons are an excellent alternative to teach in a different, useful and significative way; because, if we are able to do a good micro-lesson, we will be able to engage the student's attention too, evaluating different aspects at the same time, for example: grammar, syntax, vocabulary, pronunciation, accentuation, loud, reading, writing, etc.

How to do a good presentation?

In my opinion, a good presentation needs different aspects to be clear and interesting, that is the reason why, as future teachers of English, we will have to know the different stages clearly (engage, study and activate).

Also, is important to mention that the use of different materials can be a huge help for our performance in the classroom, for example: If we uses a radio, audio cassettes, compact discs, videos, power point etc, the students can be more motivated by the lesson, that is the reason why a good presentation needs to be original and interesting at the same time.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Learning to teach

hi everyone, this is going to be my space, where the main idea is to know more about education.
How to teach? and what to teach? are going to be some of the questions that I will try to answer, through the content of the lessons and my personal experience.